egoism and determination may be set apart by the thickness of a paper

first,we have questions like the measures or standards for what's right and wrong,then who's morally involved,and also the relevant rules to clarify the situations.

egoism theory claims that the justifications for the actions are based solely on the end or consequences brought upon by it ,an action is considered as good if it benefits the person,weather in long run or short term ,and bad,if it harms or causes him to suffer a loss.hence,their actions are ultimately motivated by self-interests.
it is believed that a human being seeks his own satisfaction of desires,and most likely,avoids what he despises in the process..but one may conceal his true motives behind virtuous attributes in order to get what he wants,as he's only morally allowed to carry out his action if he convinces others that he action takes into consideration of the interests of everyone..this can be highly deceptive

it's important not to confuse the term self-interest and's our self-interest to go to the college we want,to listen songs,eat or sleep ,we feel deprived if we are prohibited to do so,and it's also our self-interest to help people,to volunteer in a funding activity,etc..for example: it does not make me an egoist because i take better care of myself compared to you

in self-deception argument,we tend to believe that what we do is completely selfless and for noble excuses,but it's not entirely true ,it claims that,when people choose to help others,they do so because of personal benefits that they expect to obtain ,for instance,one may make friend with a person ,who seemingly,likes to keep to himself or alone all the time,one may do so for several reasons
-to make a new friendship,to establish social networks( probably he's lonely and looking for companion also)
-it makes him feel good,makes him feel useful,in the sense that he has helped a person to get rid of his own distress and the feeling of desolation.
-it provides him a better way to understand the differences in people,why is he being alone or what, possibly,could have happened,which in turn,made him distrustful of others around him,is it fear ?or is it a way to protect the inner satisfies one's curiosity,nevertheless

the compassionate impulses felt derived from the projection of our hopes and expectations on others, implied or unconsciously,that we hope to be treated in the same way..
for instance,positive reinforcer used in dog training,we provide the dog with food(reward)when it carries out the instruction as told,soon it will follow the command even the food is not's become a force of habit for it,just like the moral system ,which acts directly on the basis of a set of rules accepted or agreed upon by majority of the people,we are required to obey them,we are taught about descending to hell as eternal punishment if we do bad deeds and heaven if we are being good and kind to others ,so unconsciously implied by what we have learnt constantly,we seek pleasures from doing things that are deemed overrall as kindness,(is that truly what we hope for?)and avoid making mistakes to avoid can i say the actions are actually being motivated by individual interests because we seek self satisfaction and avoid pain?

should i put it as unconsciously being egositic ?it may have become a habit,and breaking such rules will result in mental discomfort..avoidance may also be considered as a way to avoid self unhappiness,a person may feel horrified after witnessed a personal feud,an accident,quarrels ,misunderstanding,that he chose to back away in the end,it would have turned out badly trying to explain,people wouldnt have wanted to look from your point of views,it may have seemed that he's actually given up ,defeated ,but he's actually choosing what's the best and most comfortable for him,it must be conceded that different people have different opnions of what is in favour for them in the end

example : do not hide behind such superficialities as weather u should or should not give a dime to a beggar .that is not the issue,the issue is weather u do or do not have the right to exist without giving him that dime?the issue is weather u should keep buying your life,dime by dime ,from any beggar who might approach you .the issue is weather is there a need to prove the moral purposes of your existence and humanity within ...

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