inception(warning: only for those who have seen the movie)

this movie is a must-watch,it's just another new masterpiece of Christoper Nolan,it's consistently clever ,well-acted,suspenseful,intricately-layered and awe-inspiring.I've never encountered any movie movie since shutter island that could ever arise such an emotional turmoil within me ,i felt as if lost in the blankness of depths,in the complexity-structured, maze-like dreams,created to trap and tell you that everything you saw was possible ,every idea was growing ,like a seed ,exactly what the movie name suggests-inception,this movie is going to defy every conventional view of how things should play out for you ,it practically kept me on edge throughout the movie ,nails bit into palms,face taut with concentration to listen to every word ,every sentence and place,tried to remember any resemblance in architecture ,any repeated images(possibly could be significant in any parts of the movie) or simply just projection of subconscious ,this director is practical,more than just theoretically based ,every rule and sentence will be repeated and highlighted by certain characters in certain parts,or they simply just accompanied by an action to prove the theory,guiding you to understand .but it do gets mistaken as profundity as everything moves in such a break-neck pace ,and there were vertiginous sequences of parallel action ,each happens in different dimensions and places ,but at the same time ,though we are always told that the extent of period in each level may differ ,the faster time ticks as you go deeper down into the dream .so,it's not hard to understand ,all you have to do is just paying attention,and the small details of each scene do play huge importance in helping you understand in the end.

it's about a skillful ,highly-trained mind extractor called Cobb,he could sneak into people subconscious ,steal the thoughts from the sleeping subject ,when you are asleep ,your defense system is at the lowest and weakest point ,hence this makes infiltration possible ,but some people have been trained to protect his mind even when they sleep ,this can make the job difficult ,as it is needed to confront with the armed force ,tracking down and destroys the dreamer ,sabotages and threatens to fail the whole this movie,they use a device to connect themselves to a person and make him fall into a dream they created prior to that ,in which they construct places,streets,and small details served to confuse the subject ,he will not be aware that he's dreaming ,and his subconscious will lead them into something they want.when you sleep ,your subconscious project images ,pieces of memories to your dreams ,hence it's likely that you are able to explore while discover your true-self architect creates dreams ,which are carefully planned ,elaborately designed,to baffle the subject ,mislead him to trust that it's a reality that he's in ,while trying to unravel the secrets trapped beneath. Ariadne plays as an architect in this movie,and she practically folds the entire city over itself ,the sky is dominated by another city-mirrored exactly to what's down there,streets ended up in in another which has been bent and distorted upward,and you could just lay your feet on it ,and walk up by clinging to it,losing gravity ,from that point you may feel that you are standing so still on the ground,look up to people walking upside down,but in fact ,from people look from different angles ,it looks as if you are the one who is being weird(weird is just the word),standing with your head directed downward ,it can be muddling.The Dreamer: The person whose dream you're actually in. When creating a dream within a dream, each level must have a different dreamer. In the final sequence, Yusuf dreams the first level, Arthur dreams the second one, and Eames dreams the third level with the snow fort. Eames is the Forger. This name has two meanings. In the real world he can forge identities using his contacts and his ability to fake documents. In the dream world, he can alter his appearance and take on the personality of someone else he's studied, probably using much the same methods used to construct buildings.and what's a totem ? how does it work ?a totem is actually an object created by the dreamer ,in order for her or his mind to be clear of the situation,able to discern the difference between reality and dream,not to lost in the realm of dream ,sometimes when you go deeper ,you become increasingly convinced that the place you are in is actually reality,does reality ever mattered ?it becomes all confusing and bewildering to have to decide weather to go back or stay behind,and you will find stuck in the middle of both -a limbo-a shared and unlimited space, A place where dreamers may end up if they go too deeply. It’s a place where time runs quickly and people seem to forget reality. the only way to get out of it is to kill yourself -as what Cobb and his wife did,later when they are back to the real world, he's troubled by questions like what if Mal is right ,and he's still in a dream which he thinks as reality,and they should kill themselves again?what if Mal is wrong ? then he''ll die and never will be able to see his children faces anyone,it's his children that make him clung on to the wobbling fact inside ,the fact that the world he's in is a reality ,he has to convince himself ,although another part of him is feeling so confused and i think his children faces is actually his totem , the one that he avoided when he's in the dreams(they are only projection of his subconscious, but like his wife ,they can be replicated to make him feeling trapped and guilty ,and he's scared that if they turned to look at him ,he might actually stay in a place he's not supposed to ),Mal's totem is a top ,which she tells that in a dream ,it will keep on spinning infinitely.

there are certain rules to follow,must never create dreams with memories ,can never change too much things when you are inside a person's mind,as it will certainly arise suspicion and incredulity,the person subconscious will start to fight back ,seek out the person who caused the changes ,and drive him out ,to restore the equilibrium of the dream .it functions similar to the white blood feel real pains when you are injured .when you die in dream,you simply just wake up from it.but if you are on sedatives like what Cobb and his team were ,then you may not be able to wake up,due to the double effect of the drug ,and forever will be lost in the limbo.


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