vampire diaries

recently been watching a super awesome series -the vampire diaries , which i think i have recommended to many people ,swt ,and i just finished the books , although they have made some changes or editing to the series ,but it remains breathtaking ,very nice ,and i think they did a pretty good job in editing ,as some of the details or story lines may sound a little illogical for me in the book ,and it becomes all make sense in that series.unavoidable ,some scenes are 18x ,frustratingly ,they have omitted them from the series shown on TV8 every Tues,and believe me ,it's badly omitted =.='' which is much more confusing for those who have never read the books ,you can imagine one scene being skipped to another ,maybe if you didn't pay enuf attention ,you wouldn't realize though
haha ,some introductory words to the books
Elena- beautiful,popular ,the girl who can have any guy she wants, lost her parents in an accident 4 months ago ,has a sister named Margaret ( in that movie,she has a brother called Jeremy instead) ,and recently been living with her guardian -aunt Judith ,she struggles to hide her grief from everyone ,finds herself drawn to a dark ,mysterious student

Stefan-brooding,mysterious-good at frowning,haha > practically ignored elena when he first met her, walked past elena without a side glance( u can imagine possibly what hurt would do to a girl who have thought herself to be irresistible to guys,but stefan has been hiding his feelings for her ,because he fell for a girl called katherine centuries ago ,who looked exaclty like elena),good-natured and kind to those people around him ( has been resisting the urge of drinking human blood ) desperately trying to resist his desire for elena...for her own good.

Damon-dangerous,revengeful ,whose dark grace,beauty ,and sensuality can draw women to him like moths to flame,selfish ( who just cares only Elena and Stephan -he does care ,nor that he ever wants to admit , he rushes to their sides when they are in danger ),a loner also ( the first friend he ever admitted is Elena ) ,cruel and ruthless

here are some photos

this is the cover photo for the first episode of the vampire diaries series( haha ,the crow perched on elena knee is actually another form of damon )

the salvatores brothers-stefan and damon

when i'm looking at this picture ,it takes my breath away ><,katherine is indeed gorgeous,those brown eyes fringed with black thick lashes below the elegantly arched brows,lips like rose petals on its full bloom- an ancient beauty,no wonder the two brothers fell for her on first sights,dazzling by her beauty

katherine ( i love her curls ,very beautiful on her ^^ )

the group photo -caroline is the only blond in this photo, in her dark blue dress ,bonnie is the one sitting on chair with brown hair fall over her shoulders , elena as sexy as ever ,in her purple dress that molds into her body emphasizing those curve lines of hers,they are best friends in this series ,though i felt quite sad that meredith ,a character in that book has been removed fom this movie ><
she looks dreamily gorgeous ,and i like Elena (Nina dobrev ) ,although many say she doesn't suit the character description-in that book,Elena is described to have blond hair ,creamy white skin ,and lapis lazuli blue eyes ,however it's only written so to make the character angel-like and incomparably beautiful-in fact ,i think they would never find an actress who can do as well as Nina for this movie

Stefan ( Paul Wesley ),in his brooding mood i guess,eyes that stare very intently especially towards Elena ,a guy that can make people feel safe and secure with him around ,protective for those who he loves and cares for and hopes to lead a normal human life until Damon comes and ruins it ,swt,haha ,he''ll act as bad boy in one of the episodes which is going to make your jaws drop ,haha so not ''him''..i think he's more suited to do obedient ,good guy looks


Damon Salvatore (Ian somerhalder),who is a bad guy and also brutally honest at the same time,fell in love with Katherine ,and spent 148 years to search for her and realized that she didn't give a damn about him all these times, The first thing you have to understand about Damon is that he’s a very motivated and lonely guy.imagine spending hundred years bury deep down your thoughts ,heart and soul,as cynical as he is -he never trusts anyone but himself ,You put those two things together and you have a very dangerous individual, but the funny thing is — and as trite as it sounds — what he does, he does out of love. There are two relationships that he misses and that he wants back in his life — his brother and his girl — and he’ll do anything he can to get them back.i have to give him credits for that he has been bringing the character alive out of the book ,from the snickers ,sinister smiles to the expression of eyes to the ways he flaunts=.=''. exactly like what's been described by the writer.



kissing you ..

last night,i had a bewildering dream ,which took on an unreal ,dreamlike shade.after i flipped the light switch off,i crept under the sheets,nestling my weary body against the warm,velvet ,blue and gray striped blanket .i groped for Patrick and Mimi which i knew must be somewhere near me on the bed in the dimness ,then my hand touched something silky and cool,i clung on to it--found Patrick ( a gift from my beloved ,best friend ^^,Patrick is shaped like a starfish,of course ,he's a starfish after all ,haha ,talking gibberish again ,inevitably, soft and smooth if you lay your hand over it,gently brushing against ,applying a little pressure ,sand-like,tiny pellets come against the touch .he has a body of slightly deeper pink,like the dawn-coloured rose,with tiny ,circular red dots dispersed on them,not very crammy kind ,each is equally spaced from each other .of course,it has those eyes of plain innocence which i find myself staring into it,and totally lost in them ,a big smile sketched across his face in black-painted line,brows slightly drooped -like ink etched on a paper if you slightly press against with brush ,and he wear a pale green underwear with red blotched on them --which again , i found so cute and i can keep on writing about it if let

it's dark in the room,the only light source came from the toilet through the glass panes ,which was very vague .but i felt safe and warmly comfortable holding them close ,the radio was playing on a song called kissing you from Miranda Cosgrove .

"sparks fly,
it's like electricity,
i might die when i forgot how to breath
you get closer
and there's no where in this world I'd rather be ....."

Goodnight Sweetheart....
i drift on the song..

as velvet darkness rushed in from the corners of my eyes,i gave in , it seemed to be jubilant at my voluntary surrender as i fell and sank into it ,voices and visions faded away as if my senses had been completely cut off from them .then i saw all of a sudden , an unearthly, small speck of light flickered in the distance ,glimmered against the menacing darkness,i wondered if it's a starlight,and I'm in a universe ,floating along against gravity,i think it's understandable for everyone to follow the light if ones are in this darkly glowing ,eerie black nothingness.yeah ,that's what i thought as i took several steps ,though indecisively ,towards it( we are always taught to stay where we are and not to venture into something you don't know ,yes ,we are taught to feel fear,afraid of what's beyond our reach ,of the uncertainties and possibilities but we would never know what lies behind unless we take the first step - again,breaking rule ,but the warmth and trembling feeling inside me start to grow as i approached ,tempting me to move closer and closer to bask in the sparkling light ,which i found had been growing and gaining intensity as i raced to it. i brought up my hands to shield my eyes from it( my eyes are particularly vulnerable to strong light ,especially standing this close )pressing the fingers tightly together to stop lights from sneaking in through the cracks between fingers ,then it stopped hurting and i lifted the hand off my face ,found myself staring wide-eyed ,mouth fell open at a door ,shimmering in the faintest brush of pink ,golden light rimmed the sides ,i put my hand on the door knob ,expecting to jerk away in pain as the boiling hotness seared my palm__nothing happened ,it felt weightless ,it's like holding on to air ,desperate yet firmly ,beneath my hand ,clamped around by my fingers ,the feeling told me i had to believe ,it's warm ,but not hot ...

with a twist on it ,it swung open and i stumbled into a tunnel of light ,everything was swirling and whirling again against my will ,i found so light-headed and my voice weak in my ears ,as the ground giving away under me ,i think i tried to shriek once as the force pulling me down ,through the eternally ,ethereally glided tunnel,everything raced past me in a blur ,and my eyelids flickered and moved in response

i don't know if the dream had jumped to another ,as it occurred to me so often that sometimes it infuriated me .then ,i was sitting on lush green grass rippled in winds ,looking at the weeping willow bent down over a stream which i think was blue-green or teal blue coloured ,with its surface glinted like in the sun,and the air tasted like honeysuckle,i drew in several breaths ,feeling the strange ,throbbing sweetness stirred in me ,i leaned back on the leaves-strewn ground and look up at the soft ,wispy white clouds rolling in the flawless blue sky ,everything couldn't be more than perfect

i felt __i didn't know how to say_ i felt young,excited that springtime was here and every golden-green leaves ,every springy little reeds seemed to rejoice with me ,dazed momentarily,i grabbed for a leaf which had been ripped by winds off its branch before its time ,feeling it in my clutch ,the thin ,paper-line ,delicate sensation and brought it up to my eyes,the curve shape of it from bottom slowly coalesced into a pointed end .pale green colour ,shading into the palest yellow at the edges ,against the light ,you could see light danced on it ,reflected off in dazzling sparkles ,filtering through it as i blinked in amazement at the tiny ,webbed like veins spread from the center of the leaf ,extending outwards like branches .it fluttered in my fingers as i twirled it over then as i loosened on my grip ,a wind caught it , i lost it ,it was carried by wind to its final destination _ maybe it would lay undisturbed on a bare ground and slowly decomposed --returned to nature

then i heard footsteps ,slow and steady ,i closed my eyes and ears straining to hear ,my heart raced,a person crept up so lightly in the waving grass and i felt warm arms slid under my head ,in the next moment ,i was laying on his lap ,i tilted my head back and found myself look into unfathomable black eyes ,captured my gaze ,i gasped ,pale ,chiseled face with fine black hair .it is so unfair ,i thought silently... i felt familiar with his distinctive scent ,intermingled with the scent of spring leaves.i reached up to touch his face,warm against my skin ,he took my hand and squeezed it.all the while,he's still gazing at me intently with those eyes of infinite blackness,as if it can hold and trap lights ,like the endless universe which holds thousands of stars.suddenly i felt self-conscious and flushed involuntarily ,i drew back my hand from his hold and tore my eyes away from his ,fumbled clumsily with my fingers,knotted ,twisting them against my shirt( i had no idea what had happened to me)he could sense my nervousness --which was so embarrasing and awkward if it's real -fortunately it's just a crazy dream >< .my nerve cracked down and snapped like it had been worn and pulled into a thin wire ,AND it's so NOT ''ME'' he tried to soothe me by stroking my hair,and i could sense him as he stifling a giggle ,oh !laugh at me as all he might ,i thought in return,before shut my eyes again to calm my breathing,when i opened them again -which i found at a VERY wrong time-i saw him bent over me with his lips close to mine ,just a breath away,i took an indrawn breath of astonishment ,my mind was reeling as i shoved slightly at him ,scrambled to my feet and took off in a sprint before he could catch me ,running through the grass ,laughing '' you'd get punished for what you did -if it's what i thought you did - and you'd never catch me !" i said giggling ,while glancing over my shoulder at him,saw him,stood and hurried off down the path which i had taken ,bewilderment,disappointment and mischief flickered across his face. of course,he would catch me and we went down together on the grass ,laughing ,and he held me in his arms ,i was on top of him ,hair fallen like dark curls on both sides ,he held up a finger to draw back hair that fell in my eye ,then his motion stopped in midway ,i was ready to open my mouth to ask him what's wrong when he touched a finger to my lips ,which made me trembled under his touch and blushed deeply .

then ,slightly breathless ,i staggered to my feet and held out a hand which he grasped and i helped him get up .then he leaned forward ,so that all i could see was only him ,brushed hair against my forehead ,dark eyes burning at mine ,i can feel my muscles drawn tense and taut ,could feel my heart thudding dully ,slowly gained in speed ,blood rushed through my veins ,boiling under them,his finger traced the curve of my upper lip ,very lightly , '' i suppose i should go away ,is that what you want ?''there were not any butterflies in my stomach __there were bats !! i can feel his laughter on my lips ,then he brushed his lips agaisnt mine ,so lightly , and i found i 'd drop to my knee if he hadnt caught me ,only the breathing which was coming more and more quickly ,i felt my senses begin to swim i drifted along with this crushing ,oddly warm sweetness...

when I’m kissing you
My senses come alive
Almost like the puzzle piece
I’ve been trying to find
Falls right into place
You’re all that it takes
My doubts fade away
When I’m kissing you

and OMG ! i'm so unashamedly writing all these...>''< face="lucida grande">really a bastard ,he can stick to it as long as he wants,i thought,fuming. jaws set,determined, and now i wanted to preserve my pride ,i dug my nails in my palms,angrily but not madly ,leaned against the headset and let my eyes fell shut for a while ,shut him out as well ,silence seemed to thicken around,not that i cared,i jumped slightly as the thunder echoed overhead ,then cats paws of rain dotted the windshield,then it came a flash of lightning ,instinctly ,my hands flew over my ears to muffle the rumbling sound ,muffling all the sounds into stillness .he pulled over at a house ,and i found myself in a room ,changed into a sweater ,exasperated ,i looked around the room in helpless frustration before back at him ,he stood in front of a ceiling-to-floor window ,staring out ,preoccupied( pretending to be looking at or engrossed in something so that he could avoid any unnecessary eye contact with me,i could tell)

slumped into a bed ,i pursed my lips into a thin hard line,my throat tightened as if there's lump growing inside and bit my lower lip absently before i asked in a coldest voice ever managed ,''what's wrong with you ?'' ''why are you acting so weird ?'' "'what have i done that makes you hate me so much ?'' '' do you always treat the ones you love the way you do now ?'' i...i don't understand ...''my voice trailed off sounded like dust in this room ,so hollow and very wrong ...i think it never got into him as well.

seconds crawled by ,the rain had stopped now , faintest rays of sunlight clung to the air with only a tentative hold,crimson lights coming from the window throwing lights and shadows over the planes of his face ,drawing long pitch-black shadow behind ,wide and mesmerizing ..there had been a string of questions ,i understood he needed time to sort out his muddled ,tangled mind,i understood i shouldn't be so pushy ...he still stood motionlessly..

'' go to bed..'' he said coldly

''why don't you talk to me face-to-face?''i demanded ,voice trembled with anger

he didn't turn or say anything ,''i don't want to get into a quarrel with you ,just go to sleep ..''he said ,again, in a voice lack of warmth ,it's not just dispassionately ,but full of flat despair...

i felt heat prickled behind my eyes ,threatening to reach a certain degree that it scorched and i couldn't hold it any longer behind those fortress,my lungs ached and burned as air left them ,as if i was breathing in water,it hurt and when it stopped hurting ,everything stopped along with it,and i knew it's over, i couldn't cry ,i told myself firmly ,he's mocking you ,don't you know , are not a baby anymore ,show him that those words couldn't hurt you because he wouldn't care anyway for any single drop of tear ,save them !don't break down ,not at this time!

''you sound like i intentionally picking up a fight ,dont you ? by the way,i can sleep on chair , and i never said that i want to sleep ,don't you decide for me what i want to do !''i retorted icily..

''take the bed ,leave me alone ! '' his voice was the same but with an undertone of seriousness,and he sounded more controlled than ever

more shaken than ever .

my heart sank ,is it because he's afraid of his feelings towards me ,because he know that he's not able to give me what i want. i thought

'' is this about that you're scared of hurting me ?''


''then what it's ,if you could just open your heart to me for just once ,many problems would have been solved ,i thought we were on verge of understanding.''

'' don't know me ..''he said dryly

i sighed ,fought the burning ache in my chest ,it seemed like aching forever ,undiminished ,i braced herself against a pillow ,head down ,breathing deeply to calm myself desperately

'' you are just holding me back ,''he said tonelessly

''from what ?'' i pressed on

''everything!" the change of his tone ,it frightened me and it hurt ..

he half turned from where he'd been standing i thought he's beyond of reach now ,and i might lose him ,then he lifted his head and i met his gaze ,there are depths in the blackness ,so dark that it's full of turmoil ,anger ,and some bitterness ..yes,he's furious ,his face hard and expressionless,yet i saw the ferments of feelings-longing ,confusion ,anger and fear ..then it smoothed over and his shields were back up ,and i couldnt see anything except the steely calm blackness

it broke my heart ,and i knew he could hear it ,with the satisfactory shattering of glass inside,tinkled as the glass shards fell and skewering into my flesh ,it's marred by line and line of blood ,and he just left it bleed

i could feel my tears trickled down my cheeks ,'' you are so good at that ,aren't you ?'',my voice was cold now ,recklessly ,angrily ,i moved in even closer .'' at pushing people away ,i think i probably should leave now ,as I'm all hurt and wrecked at a point that you wouldn't turn to look at me and i know you wouldn't care consider how selfish you can get !''

i spun on my heels ,but just as i was about to take the 1st step away ,forever away from him ,he whirled and caught me by my wrist ,locked me in an unbreakable grip ,then ,with a swoop of his head ,he kissed me.the kiss was hard and long and for quite a while i resisted out of sheer instinct.the way he held -if i put enough pressure at those points ,it would hurt me possibly seriously .then he was stroking my hair crushing gently at the ends

i pushed at him ,twisted ,and tried to struggle off his held ,then the hold broke,we both left staring at each other ,breathlessly ,his sleek hair was mussed ,face ,which had once been self-composed and calm ,now flushed with blood ,his dark lashes were trembling as he looked everywhere except at me .then it's the first time he noted me crying quietly ,he brought up a hand to brush the tears off my cheek ....which was so unfair ..

When I’m kissing you
It all starts making sense
And all the questions
I’ve been asking in my head
Like are you the one should I really trust
Crystal clear it becomes
When I’m kissing you

bear with me ,my dream ended right here ,i woke up feeling my mind groggy and sick ,it seemed like I'd been crying ,as i found tears-stained on my pillow ,omg ..i must have out of my mind's really a weird dream ,and i just started writing it down ,scared that I'd forget..first time i dreamed of being kissed ,must have been because of listening to the song as i fell asleep ..

now i have fallen in love with this song ,it's so sweet !

dog's point of view

10 promises with your pets
1.before you bring me home,please remember that my life lasts only from 10 to 15 years,it'll be the biggest pain in my life if you abandon me
2.please be patient towards me and try to understand my feelings me as it's very important for me
4.please don't be mad with me for a long time when i have done something bad ,or keep me in cage as have your entertainment,work,friends and family ,but for me ,i only have you.
5.please talk to me constantly ,though i cant understand the words ,but i can feel the comfort in your voice
6.the way you treat me, I'll always remember in my heart
7.when you hit me,pls do remember that i have the sharp canine teeth that can crush your bone ,but i choose not to do that .
8when you scold me for being lazy,not cooperative or stubborn ,pls try to understand whether something is bothering me : maybe i didn't get the food i want,haven't been running under the warmth of sun for a long time ,or probably because i m too old and weak
9 take care of me when i get older
10.when i need to pass through the most difficult times of life as the illness takes its toll on my health ,pls never say :i cant bear to look at it suffering or i don't want to be at the scene.'' because as long as you are here with me everything will be alright and acceptable even the agonizing pains .and at last ,pls never forget that, I LOVE YOU

when i was small ,and you'd just brought me home,i got lonely and a little intimidated when everyone had gone to bed,the night was cold with pale yellow lights from the porch flooding in through the floor-to-ceiling window ,i tilted my head sideways to observe with immense curiosity as the sparkling dust let go of holding on to the curtain which was half drawn ,dancing gleefully in the light for their freedom ,then my attention was distracted ,i heard buzzing,and the sounds made by small pairs of wings fluttering,i leaned forwards, peered out through the window and saw dozens or more little insects shuttling back and forth between the lamps, they jabbered to each other,approached shyly ,dashed for ,clung to and then flied off in an indecisive way ,hovering greedily over their ''goddess of illumination '' in an endlessly repetitive cycle.some of them fell on to the ground,i barked at them trying to say HI ,they turned to look at me incredulously with their tiny ,beady green eyes ,and said : off you go ,you little monster! and laughed hysterically at my awkwardness, daunted ,i staggered few steps backwards ,let out a whine , which echoed in the empty and vast room,disoriented with the unfamiliar surroundings ,i found my self running up the stairs and came up to the door of your room ,whined and scratched at the door which after some moments creaked quietly and opened to a small crack ,a patch of light cut across the floor in an obviously dark room , someone peeped through it and i lifted up my head just to see you yawning ,drawing few strands of hair back to your ear ,instantly ,i nudged at the door for your approval to enter ,you smiled a little before scooped me up from where i had bed . the night was cold and strange but not here with you ,i wagged my tail and snugged under a fold of warm duvet with a contented sigh .we spent nights together ,i would listen to your confidences and secret dreams ,and i remembered the excitement shines in your eyes vividly ,when you feeling down ,I'd come up and nuzzle your hand with my nose,comforted you through heartbreaks and disappointments,and you'd return a few kisses on my nose,i couldn't talk but i understood your mood , you smelled like the morning sun glowing when you were happy ,and of stormy nights when you felt angry over something ,your sadness and tears flowed like the rains in the gloomy afternoons .we went for long walks and runs in the parks ,and i loped alongside you,huffing and puffing with my tongue dangling over the side of my mouth ,we stopped for ice-creams sometimes,i only got the cones because you said ice-cream was bad for dogs.i took long naps in the afternoon waiting you to come home from school,spotting you walking up to the gate ,i leaped off my bed and sprinted towards you,wagging my tail in anticipation,ended up rolling over for you to give me a belly rub.we watched the sky as the sun dipping down west ,there's an air of silence ,despite for my occasional barks for the birds gliding past and landing down on the electricity line overhead,the sky was tinged with flaming orange and light soft like butter spread on the bread,it's like the dye poured into clear water,slowly deepened from its original colour ,i remember the light reflected off your hair glinted like gold,at that moment i wanted to look into your eyes and told you that i believed nothing could be more perfect than that in my life.and i wanted time to freeze ,sand in the sand glass to stop time in this world was short ,but i wanted to gave it all to you until the last breath left me.

when i was small ,i like to chewed on things and your shoes were my favourite toys of all irritated you when i did that ,i lowered down my head ,tried to elude your dark probing eyes when you found what i had done ,a little twinge of guilt knotted my stomach tight,but the pleasure or even obsession for chewing was overwhelmingly irresistible,you scolded me a little with a stern voice before storming off in rage .frightened and in pain,i curled up around your shoes and laid there for hours ,trying to hide the ''evidence '' that made you mad.i am sorry i didn't mean to do that,we,dogs ,don't really remember things happened 5 Min's ago ,hence despite a number of chewed shoes ,a few thrashed pillows ,and the hot glares after that,i rushed to your side when you were around and always tried to entertain you with my weird, funny antics.the next day ,you bought me a chewy ,bone-like toy ,when you fished it out from your pocket and held it between your fingers high up in the sky ,i jumped and jumped at you to reach for that,you doubled over and passed it from hand to hand trying to deceive me of its disappearance,at last you handed it over to me ,i grasped it in my mouth ,tossed my head from side to side as i chewed and tore at it,chased my tail around.that afternoon was fun and full of laughter.

you had gone for days ,the last time i 'd seen you ,you wore a black and white checked t shirt with the hood drawn up over your head ,you'd patted me on head before got into the car and waved me goodbye .the gesture of your leaving made me frenzy,i cased after you but only to be stopped by the long bars of the front gate ,i whimpered softly as i saw the car driving off the driveway.sunlight hoped playfully between the cold and metallic bars ,blinding me ,i squinted my eyes tried to focus on the car in which you were in ,but just in time to see it sped around the corner and vanished in view.i spent my afternoon alone watching the fish whirling,reeling and swaying in the pond and someone with round black eyes ,brown flurry body looked back at me with clear desperation ,i wonder who was that guy ? these few days i enjoyed digging the dirt out of the pots,trampling and murdering a few garden plants,my fur was matted with dirt and soil.then it started to drizzle before it turned to heavy downpour ,dripping water filled my drinking bowl ,spilled and sloshed around ,i got a splash of water on face .it got misty with the icy wind lashed at my fur ,tasted like a combination of dust and moist lumps of soil .i circled around feeling upsetting,finally crouched down beside the bone you gave to me and fell asleep .

present time
now i'.m a full grown dog ,no longer your baby,There was a time, when others asked you if you had a dog, that you produced a photo of me from your wallet and told them stories about me. These past few years, you just answered "yes" and changed the subject. I have gone from being "your dog" to "just a dog".you are terribly busy with your studies ,whenever i bark at the door for you to notice that i long for a walk with you , you simply walk away to bury yourself in your tightly arranged schedule ,i was once part of your life,but now left forgotten and unattended as you moving on to your new stage of life,however, i still remain unmoved at the place where we were once together,wait for you as you are still everything i have and need .i watch you from a distance as you chat happily with your new friends,sharing with them your dreams and stories ,but none of them ever included me,I tether at the margin of your life, following you around at your heels ,hoping you'll one day turn around and spot me just as i spotted you from the distance as you came home.


Recently it was noted that a few swimmers were attacked in Berlin's Schlachtensee lake ,which is a place where people choose to avoid summer heat by a dip,the most likely ,primary suspect was giant wels catfish which are found in dozens or more in the lake,and tend to be particularly defensive in the breeding season ,a german woman described to the reporter that she was swimming around with his frend,when her fren asked weather she had felt something in the water coming close to them ,then she felt a strong force grabbed her by the leg ,she quickly moved out of the water and discovered that it started bleeding ,she has a crescent- shaped mark which is 17 cm long ,on her leg now.possibly ,the fish tried to defend its territory when the swimmers unknowingly ventured into its territory.

these wels catfish can be up to 300 pounds and 10 feets ,and their sizes are growing each year ,it's characterised by having slimy,scaleless body which enables it to be highly sensitive with the surroundings and also provides better camouflage ,it has an remarkably wide mouth with rows and rows of small,razor-sharp teeth ,and why is's called catfish ?●_● it has two sets of barbles ,whiskers-like receptors located on the upper and lower jaws ─an adaption enables to detect water movement and disturbance caused by other fishes ,haha and they are surprisingly curious with what‘s going on in their area ,i was watching the animal planet channel and the man on boat,disturbed the water by splashing ,a water camera had been attached to the device to observe the fish its natural environment,then a figure moved out of the shadow and come up to investigate,and there’s a close-up photo of the fish attacking the camera.

all these make it plausible to think that catfish is capable of swallowing a man ,in water ,it needs to use only 30% of force to pull down a full grown man , Tales of man-eating wels catfish date back as far as the 15th century,there are stories and myths about human remnants were found in the stomachs of these fish ,but most experts suspect the victims were already drowned before being swallowed

●Jeremy Wade holds a wels catfish weighing 163 pounds and measuring 7 feet, 4 inches from head to tail. The largest wels can reach up to 10 feet and weigh over 330 pounds

●Wels catfish are landed by gripping the lower jaw, preferably with two hands. Sometimes a wels will bite down hard or even attempt to roll like a crocodile. The wels is also known to bite when released, lashing out at the nearest body part.

Top10 River Monsters

Name: Giant freshwater stingray (Himantura chaophraya). Maximum Size: 197 inches (500 centimeters), 1,323 pounds (600 kilograms), body diameter 95 inches (240 centimeters). Habitat: Mekong River Basin, Southeast Asia.


Jeremy Wade with a 161-pound goonch catfish. This catch measured 5 feet, 7 inches from head to tail with a 41-inch girth and 44-inch "wingspan

The goonch catfish has been accused of a number of attacks on humans, including the death of an 18-year-old Nepali in 2008, who was dragged down into the river by what witnesses described as an "elongated pig." Two similar attacks were reported in 1988.


The goliath tigerfish has sharp, triangular teeth that interlock like scissors. These can easily take lumps out of other fish, even crocodiles, and there are well-documented stories of these fish taking chunks of flesh out of people.


Jeremy Wade holds a nearly 7-feet-long, 111-pound alligator gar with Mark Spitzer

.The front part of the alligator gar's mouth acts like a shopping cart, a place to store food. This makes it tricky to land one.


Jeremy Wade holds a giant snakehead, a native of Southeast Asia and some areas of India. The most aggressive species of snakehead, it is capable of growing to over 3 feet in length and weighing over 40 pounds.


Jeremy Wade with a 150-pound arapaima.


The Vundu catfish is one of the longest freshwater fish in southern Africa, if not the heaviest. Like a snakehead, it can survive for long periods of time out of water.

The African lungfish's "lung" contains many thin-walled blood vessels that absorbed oxygen gulped into the lung when the fish comes to the surface to breathe. Adults have reduced gills and mainly take in oxygen through breathing.


Jeremy Wade with a white sturgeon, the largest and most primitive freshwater fish in North America. The biggest white sturgeon on record stretched more than 20 feet in length and weighed almost 1,800 pounds

the white sturgeon has been around for at least 100 millions years,they are very long-lived fish,the oldest white sturgeon on record lived up to 104 years old


Jeremy Wade reveals the red-bellied piranha's legendary, razor-sharp teeth. The piranha's triangular teeth interlock to cut through flesh like scissors. In spite of its small size, the red-bellied piranha is the world's deadliest freshwater fish.

The Old Hag ?spiritual possession?

one day ,u may wake up and find yourself unable to move or twitch your fingers,a perceived heavy and invisible weight acted upon your chest,burrow deeper as it tries to reach inside,as you instinctly feel an acute sense of danger and trying to struggle off the feeling,things get worse,some people might be seeing dream-like objects or hallucinatory elements appear in the room,all these may sound familiar for those who have experienced it before ,personally i have felt it for countless times ,always wake up in the middle of nite feeling indescribably frightened and horrified by the vivid sensation of the experience .

the recent one happened 3 or 4 weeks ago,i was taking nap in the afternoon,drifting to sleep after a while and when i woke up later,i found my body was in paralysed state,then i thought to myself that i had to stay calm ,then i saw a black figure walking across the room to my bed side ,it's watching me at first before it climbed up and stood on the bed,i could feel the mattress sagged under its weight,it knelt down at my side ,then i felt a huge massive strenght strangled and choking me,it's irresistible and ,i was going to scold but then felt a little bit indiscreet and might evoke its anger ,swt {{{(>_<)}},and for a split of second i felt that i was out of my body ,floating and spinning against gravity, ╮(-_-)╭ it's like moon walking ,the feeling slowly wore off and i regained control ,but it left me with lingering dread and anxiety ,i not dare to sleep back after that ,the nest day ,after i have got advice and suggestion from my best fren (*^_^*) I went to search some info about sleep paralysis .

sleep paralysis is characteristed by a period of involuntary control of the body movement ,people experienced it describe that they were not able to talk or cry out which may last for a few minutes or longer ,feeling pressure crushing on their chests ,or some may even see a 'presence' which is always illustrated as evil and threatening,scientists link all these to rapid eye movement atonia .sleeping can be divided into 5 stages ,which is stage 1 ,2,3,4,and rapid eye movement sleep ,the cycle progresses from light to deep,and each stage has different brain activity,when you are sleeping ,you go through stage 1 to the rapid eye movement stage ( REM SLEEP) ,and then the cycle start again ,each cycle lasts for 90 to 110 minutes,and the first cycle has shorter REM stage ,towrads the morning the REM stage becomes longer and you will tend to wake up ,REM stage is when the dreaming occurs and is named so because of the rapid movement and twitching of eyes ,possibly because the dreamer 'looking' at the moving objects in his /her dream.the body in this stage is immoblie ,this is to prevent people from acting out of his/her dream ,which may hurt other people or themselves ,neurotransmitters such as monoamines is completely shut down in this stage ,hence motor neurons are not stimulated ,and thus body muscles do not move ,this causes the REM atonia mentioned earlier .so why REM atonia is linked to sleep paralysis ? when your brain has gained consciousness but some parts of the brain that control the movement havent been fully activated yet ,this is when sleep paralysis happens,the panic and mortal fear resulted from that may causes your brain to generate and release auditory and visual stimuli ,hence produces hallucinations ,(O_O)

Hag of the old hag was a nightmare spirit in british and north american folklore.accoding to the folklore ,the hag sat on the chest of the sleeper and sent nightmare to him or her ,rendering them immobile,the feelig of anxiety and imminent threat make people tend to believe that it's actually the work of demonic possessions.

I Just started off writting this blog by posting this ,hope it may be helpful for those who have ever been troubled with this strange phenomenon ,be happy always and try to maintain a good mood is a best way to curb the situation ,try not to stay up late always as yr body will try to replenish or compensate the sleep for a longer REM stage,and when it does occur,stay calm and dont panic as your brain will tend to play things on you ::>_<:: what you saw wasnt real ,it's just photographic image projected into reality,in the end i want to say yeah ★,:*:‧\( ̄▽ ̄)/‧:*‧°★*
see you soon ㄟ( ̄▽ ̄ㄟ)

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