vampire diaries

recently been watching a super awesome series -the vampire diaries , which i think i have recommended to many people ,swt ,and i just finished the books , although they have made some changes or editing to the series ,but it remains breathtaking ,very nice ,and i think they did a pretty good job in editing ,as some of the details or story lines may sound a little illogical for me in the book ,and it becomes all make sense in that series.unavoidable ,some scenes are 18x ,frustratingly ,they have omitted them from the series shown on TV8 every Tues,and believe me ,it's badly omitted =.='' which is much more confusing for those who have never read the books ,you can imagine one scene being skipped to another ,maybe if you didn't pay enuf attention ,you wouldn't realize though
haha ,some introductory words to the books
Elena- beautiful,popular ,the girl who can have any guy she wants, lost her parents in an accident 4 months ago ,has a sister named Margaret ( in that movie,she has a brother called Jeremy instead) ,and recently been living with her guardian -aunt Judith ,she struggles to hide her grief from everyone ,finds herself drawn to a dark ,mysterious student

Stefan-brooding,mysterious-good at frowning,haha > practically ignored elena when he first met her, walked past elena without a side glance( u can imagine possibly what hurt would do to a girl who have thought herself to be irresistible to guys,but stefan has been hiding his feelings for her ,because he fell for a girl called katherine centuries ago ,who looked exaclty like elena),good-natured and kind to those people around him ( has been resisting the urge of drinking human blood ) desperately trying to resist his desire for elena...for her own good.

Damon-dangerous,revengeful ,whose dark grace,beauty ,and sensuality can draw women to him like moths to flame,selfish ( who just cares only Elena and Stephan -he does care ,nor that he ever wants to admit , he rushes to their sides when they are in danger ),a loner also ( the first friend he ever admitted is Elena ) ,cruel and ruthless

here are some photos

this is the cover photo for the first episode of the vampire diaries series( haha ,the crow perched on elena knee is actually another form of damon )

the salvatores brothers-stefan and damon

when i'm looking at this picture ,it takes my breath away ><,katherine is indeed gorgeous,those brown eyes fringed with black thick lashes below the elegantly arched brows,lips like rose petals on its full bloom- an ancient beauty,no wonder the two brothers fell for her on first sights,dazzling by her beauty

katherine ( i love her curls ,very beautiful on her ^^ )

the group photo -caroline is the only blond in this photo, in her dark blue dress ,bonnie is the one sitting on chair with brown hair fall over her shoulders , elena as sexy as ever ,in her purple dress that molds into her body emphasizing those curve lines of hers,they are best friends in this series ,though i felt quite sad that meredith ,a character in that book has been removed fom this movie ><
she looks dreamily gorgeous ,and i like Elena (Nina dobrev ) ,although many say she doesn't suit the character description-in that book,Elena is described to have blond hair ,creamy white skin ,and lapis lazuli blue eyes ,however it's only written so to make the character angel-like and incomparably beautiful-in fact ,i think they would never find an actress who can do as well as Nina for this movie

Stefan ( Paul Wesley ),in his brooding mood i guess,eyes that stare very intently especially towards Elena ,a guy that can make people feel safe and secure with him around ,protective for those who he loves and cares for and hopes to lead a normal human life until Damon comes and ruins it ,swt,haha ,he''ll act as bad boy in one of the episodes which is going to make your jaws drop ,haha so not ''him''..i think he's more suited to do obedient ,good guy looks


Damon Salvatore (Ian somerhalder),who is a bad guy and also brutally honest at the same time,fell in love with Katherine ,and spent 148 years to search for her and realized that she didn't give a damn about him all these times, The first thing you have to understand about Damon is that he’s a very motivated and lonely guy.imagine spending hundred years bury deep down your thoughts ,heart and soul,as cynical as he is -he never trusts anyone but himself ,You put those two things together and you have a very dangerous individual, but the funny thing is — and as trite as it sounds — what he does, he does out of love. There are two relationships that he misses and that he wants back in his life — his brother and his girl — and he’ll do anything he can to get them back.i have to give him credits for that he has been bringing the character alive out of the book ,from the snickers ,sinister smiles to the expression of eyes to the ways he flaunts=.=''. exactly like what's been described by the writer.




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