the uchiha brothers

why do you look so sad
when i sat by you
you looked away
tell me
did you shoulder all the pain alone?
when i couldnt have noticed any of these
did you think i was too small for you to confide in and to share with your worries?
would it have turned out in a completely different way if i was your age?
you said you were a target set for me to surpass someday even you'd be hated and resented
as you smiled looking down at me,telling me everything was alright
i thought i saw reflief gleamed in your eyes
but the next second i knew i had been wrong
for when you turned away
i saw a flicker of desolation and fornlorness
and your backside looked just as distant as ever

will you ever be free to give me a training lesson as you promised
or am i just going to hear the whispered words of ''sasuke ,forgive me,not this time''
after much grunts and sighs
you'll beckon me over ,
as i stumble to a halt before you
you reach up and jab me lightly in the middle of the forehead,
speaking of which ,have you any idea that the faint pinkish mark it left afterward takes a long time to fade
you carried me home on your back once
i wrapped my arms loosely around your neck
listening to you speak
hanging carefully on every word you said
until i dozed off,head lolling slightly down onto your shoulder
you are always the best,in every single aspect
favourite of all teachers and parents
a role model dad has always wanted me to pursue after
but i feel tired from standing under the shadow ,from stepping into your shoes
when no one will just look at me for who i am
when all i want to hear is just '' i'm proud of you as my own son''
is it too much a request to be made?why wouldnt dad ever stop seeing you in me...
i will never be as good as you

do you feel tired and worn out lately?
as you stayed locked in your room these days
conversation shared is getting rarer and lesser
i wish you'd talk to me about some of your thoughts
i thought i understood you
but i dont and it freaks me out that i would be losing you somehow,have i already ?
have you faded so much quicker than i ever dreaded and feared?

tell me
why are we fighting for?
when all i was left is only you
we watch our world fall apart
tell me what good is winning
when you lose your heart
why do you cry?
when all you have been telling me are lies
has fear consumed you?
are you afraid of letting me know the secret you have been keeping
cant we just pretend
everything is just as it was
when we'd still got each other...

the massacre

there fell a silvery silken veil
of imperturbable serenity,sultriness
lone,the sickle moon opalesces across the sloping gravelled path
led from the major site of the village
down into an isolated small remote housing area
where on each side lined with rows of square houses with pitch black windows set into its walls
clumps of trees spill over the rough stone walls,
over which bore the crest of uchiha gleaming in the dark
chill,the cold bleak light streams up the blackened windows silently,
gleams off the chimneys perched on top of the gray slatted roof far and free
up the gutters,up the shadowy long forgotten bower
up the low stone bench
a haze of gray mist hung in the air like battle fumes
through which loomed the menancing shapes of shadows
down the drain they creep
of the damp,decayed sweetish smell of rotting lurks
each seemed to have a life of their own,each was the mirror image that bore perfect resemblance of the original
projection whose motion,appearance perceived upon,
predetermined before their existence
they fall stacked over each other,
move swiftly and merge
seems so similar,yet so different
do they exist or do they not
could they be free or are they slaves for people dreams

cold the west wind to blow
chill my blood hath run
resignedly beneath the dark sky
lay a hideously serene town
nor dread nor hopes spoke
as the death walks through
through the long sash window he peered
a hooded figure towering over
so wild a look upon its countenance,
gaunt and ghastly in the extreme
an utter depression of souls
of no earthly sensation,of the afterdream of reveller upon opium
of bitter lapse into daylife and the hideous dropping off of veil
death comes soon like a toll of a bell
looking down with mocking taunt
all the souls he yearns
with scorching thirst,flare and ablaze
without an idea they learn
with though a guilt they earn
their sorrow gave no token
for in hollow despair tomorrow stays vainly await
forever more..
swish of his long black cloak billowing ,swirling
sways and sweeps off down into the precipitous gloom
from which crimson blooms
as doom crashes
and he claims his throne
long rattling breath quivered
as wisps of vapour rise into chilly night air
the rasp of his voice piercing and thrilling
gasps of terror comes rippling
over the souls his scabbed,wizened fingers clasp
ghastly grim ,the ebony bird beguiling sad fancy into smiling
his fiery eyes burning,nothing further he utters,not a feather he flutters
never flitting,still sitting lonely,perched on the branch
the moon light streaming throws his shadow on the floor
as pairs of feet fleeting
clattering and jangling on the pavement
tottering pile of bones leers,jeers,and sneers
creaking,crawling,howls and cries
breaking,retching,lay crumpled on the floor
writhing,lurching with yells of anguish and dread
matted dark hair splaying over the blood stained floor
jagged pieces of glass shards shattering over
ragged,hoarse breath
mouth opens and lets off a faint gurgling sound
as blood choked and coughed up
fallen souls lay unmoving
death and pain lay proving
lost dreams and faith lay buried and covering
from inside the houses
stood against the wall
a gigantic clock
its pendulum swung to and fro with a dull heavy monotonous clang
mangled corpses,torn ,sliced open across the torso
along the upper chests
throats ripped open
gushes of red blood oozing from the deep gaps
running in rivulets down the board
pooled around the limp,lifeless bodies
leaving dark stains across the matt,over the walls
faces, streaked with bloody lines ,disfigured by horrors told the unspeakable fears,a mingled expression of anger and fright
eyes,with sheer blankness glaze and stare into nothingness
lips,parted with blatant surprise,as the last breath hovers and carried off into the silent night

a boy with dark blue hair hurtled down the main street past a shop
where red lanterns that were once hung from the ceiling smashed,and shredded into halves
strips of paper material littered and strewn the front door
hurried footsteps came rapping in the echoing silence
past several dark houses
no light issued from their curtained windows
he turned up a side street at the end of which
he came to a halt in front of his house
slided open the screen door,he stepped over the threshold into the almost total darkness of the living room
deep into the darkness he peered,long he stood wondering and fearing
half expected his mother beaming up at him
before wrapped her arms around him

darkness there,and nothing more
listened to the quiet of the house
pipes gurgling
the buzzing hum of fridge in the kitchen
ticking of water dropping from the gaucer into the sink
the foreboding feeling deepened
he crossed the room at a run
the creak of his feet upon the floorboards
as he peeked and sneaked round the corner
disappeared down a hallway
whispered softly into the dark
and the words mumured ehco back
merely this and nothing more
then he heard a tapping,from beyond the room
it came rapping from out of the chamber
rhytmical and disticnt
he slipped out and crept along a corridor
reached a dead end ,at which there is a door
it swung open at his touch
into a dark room held his beloved
nor a breath their chests heaved
out of the shadows
a man came into sight
his sleek black hair swept back into a ponytail
beckoning silence conjured upon his scarlet eyes
not a word said,he held his brother eyes
his steely cold gaze hardened
''i have killed all of them'' he told him in a low voice,before threw a knife across,it zoomed past with a soft whoosh and caught him at the left shoulder,opened up a thin line where blood trickled slowly from
into his head the man forced this evening
of deep reddened sky,of d gore and death it bore
the boy shook his head,
dropped to his feets before slumped away on to the floor,gasping and whimpering
''hate me,despise me,if you wish to kill me,by all means just flee,cling to your wretched life..when you have got the same eyes ,come for your revenge''
the man had approached,watching his brother intently
for a moment ,all was still,all was silent
as reassurance fled for ever
the sterner despair reigned triumphant
the echoes of the last chime of clock died away
the flames in the burning red eyes expired
and darkness held dominion all over

egoism and determination may be set apart by the thickness of a paper

first,we have questions like the measures or standards for what's right and wrong,then who's morally involved,and also the relevant rules to clarify the situations.

egoism theory claims that the justifications for the actions are based solely on the end or consequences brought upon by it ,an action is considered as good if it benefits the person,weather in long run or short term ,and bad,if it harms or causes him to suffer a loss.hence,their actions are ultimately motivated by self-interests.
it is believed that a human being seeks his own satisfaction of desires,and most likely,avoids what he despises in the process..but one may conceal his true motives behind virtuous attributes in order to get what he wants,as he's only morally allowed to carry out his action if he convinces others that he action takes into consideration of the interests of everyone..this can be highly deceptive

it's important not to confuse the term self-interest and's our self-interest to go to the college we want,to listen songs,eat or sleep ,we feel deprived if we are prohibited to do so,and it's also our self-interest to help people,to volunteer in a funding activity,etc..for example: it does not make me an egoist because i take better care of myself compared to you

in self-deception argument,we tend to believe that what we do is completely selfless and for noble excuses,but it's not entirely true ,it claims that,when people choose to help others,they do so because of personal benefits that they expect to obtain ,for instance,one may make friend with a person ,who seemingly,likes to keep to himself or alone all the time,one may do so for several reasons
-to make a new friendship,to establish social networks( probably he's lonely and looking for companion also)
-it makes him feel good,makes him feel useful,in the sense that he has helped a person to get rid of his own distress and the feeling of desolation.
-it provides him a better way to understand the differences in people,why is he being alone or what, possibly,could have happened,which in turn,made him distrustful of others around him,is it fear ?or is it a way to protect the inner satisfies one's curiosity,nevertheless

the compassionate impulses felt derived from the projection of our hopes and expectations on others, implied or unconsciously,that we hope to be treated in the same way..
for instance,positive reinforcer used in dog training,we provide the dog with food(reward)when it carries out the instruction as told,soon it will follow the command even the food is not's become a force of habit for it,just like the moral system ,which acts directly on the basis of a set of rules accepted or agreed upon by majority of the people,we are required to obey them,we are taught about descending to hell as eternal punishment if we do bad deeds and heaven if we are being good and kind to others ,so unconsciously implied by what we have learnt constantly,we seek pleasures from doing things that are deemed overrall as kindness,(is that truly what we hope for?)and avoid making mistakes to avoid can i say the actions are actually being motivated by individual interests because we seek self satisfaction and avoid pain?

should i put it as unconsciously being egositic ?it may have become a habit,and breaking such rules will result in mental discomfort..avoidance may also be considered as a way to avoid self unhappiness,a person may feel horrified after witnessed a personal feud,an accident,quarrels ,misunderstanding,that he chose to back away in the end,it would have turned out badly trying to explain,people wouldnt have wanted to look from your point of views,it may have seemed that he's actually given up ,defeated ,but he's actually choosing what's the best and most comfortable for him,it must be conceded that different people have different opnions of what is in favour for them in the end

example : do not hide behind such superficialities as weather u should or should not give a dime to a beggar .that is not the issue,the issue is weather u do or do not have the right to exist without giving him that dime?the issue is weather u should keep buying your life,dime by dime ,from any beggar who might approach you .the issue is weather is there a need to prove the moral purposes of your existence and humanity within ...
For as long as he can remember, Takashi has been cursed by the ability to see spirits, a power inherited from his grandmother Reiko. Upon her death, Reiko bequeaths to her grandson her Yujiicho, a book containing the names of spirits Reiko had bullied into servitude. The Book is a highly prized item in the spirit world,with which in hand,one could summon any spirits from inside by calling the names,and the contract on which written the spirit name,is another form of representing its life ,which means if the paper is burnt or damaged the spirit will vanish.Spirits come to him often mistaken him as Reiko, however, Takashi spends his time giving back the contracts and releasing the various spirits that come to him for help. But that doesn't mean there aren't malicious spirits trying to kill him.,hence, Madara(or rather nyanko -sensei called by takashi)serves as his bodyguard and spiritual first he's motivated by only the thought of possessing the book,but later,he becomes more attached to natsume.

haha,ahh~~so cute! feel like laughing when see its cute fat looks,omg,he's fat until it''ll cause a small earthquake whenever he walks past,swt,and damn lazy in exercising,which in many occasions natsume keeps teasing him of,his big dream is to catch a few more birdies and tied them to a rope wound around his waist so that he could be fly strolling,which i think will never be realised until he lost few more pounds first,lol,wish to have this cat,looks cuddly,but he doesnt seem like a hugging person(or should i say cat?) ,eyes are on the watermelon,glinting,he loves eating ,and can stuff in many ,practically swam in the bag of potato chips ,literally i mean,always describes himself as dignified and elegant ,angry if people say he's merely a cat,haha,although he will never ever admit,but he loves it when people scratch the back of its ear of neck ,lol,another unmistakable act from a cat.

the curvature of the face bore 99% resemblance to the watermelon slice xDDDfit around just nicely

lol,natusme you look so tired,what you did last night?XDDDDDDD ,sleepy looks with bleary eyes

this time the main character is not in the super gorgeous category as most anime guys are,just a normal guy,i think they emphasize on the word ''normal' ,and the beauty of it is that sometimes normal does make people feel more like getting closer to,feel no distance in between,easier to relate to in reality.and it's really true,at first i was not really used to see his face,maybe still couldn't get rid of ciel's shadow,swt..but slowly found that he's 越看越帅,超耐看型 @@ swt,especially love his eyes,light hazel ,so soft and amiable they turn when he smiles ,or how they are closed when he use the spell,with lashes draped on his cheeks,a little aloof and sad,everything about him reminds me of that warm summer,of the flurry of leaves on wind,lush of green beams under the cerulean sky,the sound of rushing water against the rough,jagged stones ,the hollow echoes from under the bridge,bars of light push past the small crack in the curtain and glitters off the tawny coloured hair which has fallen loosely on face,a boy dozing off at the back of the class,soulful and warm when he expresses his gentleness and care towards the others,and he's really gentle to others,but he rarely shows it out,he treats spirits the same,respect their feelings,regards them as friends although some tried to harm him.haha,and the way he calls the cat ''肥猫''really is cute,then the cat will call back at him '' 豆芽菜'' hahaha,(i thnk he's quite fit,but dont know why they call him as such),and he's stil got many nicknames.maybe because of the reason that they take each other as family,no matter how bad they tease each other of,out of anger ,or just for the fun of it,they will forgive each other in the end,and no matter how many times the nyanko-sensei has wished natsume to die,so that he could have the book ,but still at crucial times,he will back him up and save him out of danger for sure.haha
his voice really is gentle ,slow and soothing ,in a way that makes people drunk,feel like can keep on listening to him till i fall asleep...

two lonely hearts cling to each other ,in the end , loneliness remains intact -ep1

love and being loved-ep2

a small consolation given will be remebered for the whole life-ep3

actually i dont want to be hiding here ,just that i couldnt get to anywhere -ep4

best friends will quarrel sometimes,but they wont hold grugde against each other-ep5

thanks for the warmth shared-ep6

little fox,you are so in bliss-ep7

memories do tell lies,but it doesnt matter much if you are happy living with it-ep8
someday, i might not be be able to see spirits anymore,and lost the unilateral contact with the invisible world ,as well as those annoying days,this is an escape for me..or...
memories we share wont fade with time

even though we may share similar experiences,but sometimes i feel like not able to understand the way you think-ep9

i'm one of degraded status ,can only love you without letting you know that-ep10

erm,feelings grown as days pass?ep11

i try all my best to protect what you have given to me,in order not to make you feel worried ,i will get stronger-ep12



我说夏目你家的冰箱未免也太多冰淇淋了吧>//< 那么冷的冬天还吃雪糕哦? 好想吃>//< 这里热死了


omg!!!!THAT SMILE! does it look like someone?
ciel you are back ~~~>< swt,sounds like some desperate girls
before that,i felt that the guy was just being too unreasonable,too kind,he's weak yet he tries to protect those people around him,he's wounded yet he is smiling to cover up the pain so that those he loves will not be worried,so that those he loves will continue to smile until the end without knowing the truth that he's been bearing with,because of his kindness,he's used and fooled and for many times his life has been threatened,and because of the persistent presence of monsters ,he was once called liar and freak when he tried to tell about his secret,no one ever believed him,then he learnt to keep it to himself ,supposedly he should be hating monsters ,yet he has saved many. maybe from that time he's decided to return those names to the original monsters,he's tried to reach out,has been changing his views of the world ,tired of running away and being alone all the times,it feels good to see him changing,revealing parts of him bits by bits,and start to believe that there's kindness and understanding from people around him,the little boy who is not good at socializing clumsily expresses the gentleness and caring for others,love to see him trying,his seriousness and devotion in everything

sometimes ,those loneliness we feel are caused by us,there are people who love and care for us,but if we are unable to trust or open up our hearts to them,they wouldn't have known if we needed them,we have always wanted someone who will understand the meaning of our words without much talking ,wanted one who will be by our sides all the times without wanting us to give out,it's all but fantasy, love is established on mutual understanding,if they continue to give out without having something back for them ,maybe someday they will get tired of waiting and leave,we want people to understand us but it wont be going anyway farther than what we have wished, if we remain oblivious of their feelings.maybe in some incidents ,you will find that you are actually being loved by many people ,before that you never knew ,don't be surprised ,they have always been there for us ,just that we never tried to pay attention to what they did to us,
just that we have always put an ice cube in between ,freeze those hearts that have tried to get near ,and added a layer of insecurity,sometimes you can put down the shield and hold out your hand,i believe no one is forever trapped in the darkness,lean out and let the warmth of sun fall upon your fingertips,just like those monsters ,even though having great power ,they will still feel alone,even though hated humans ,or think that humans are too vulnerable,but still looking forward to the subtle feeling felt for them.

to those people who have loved and cared for me,i just wanted to say thanks for you guys ,for everything that you have done ,i might have overlooked it or being unware of ,still you guys have been helping me along ,when i'm sad ,alone or feeling lost ,have been giving me a lot of support and advice,i'm appreciative of it ,
i love you guys ..

swallow at the lake bottom

swallow,a young bird which had once been saved by human,it had dropped out of nest ,a guy picked it up and placed it back in the nest,but the parents hated the lingering scent of human on her ,they abandoned the nest ,every one of her siblings died as a result,alone and abandoned,she became a spirit.spent her life hiding under the bushes,another guy spotted her ,and everyday he came ,with a plate of food, he'd set it down on the gravel path in front of her. she felt grateful,the guy reminded her of the human who had saved her.because of human,she was saved ,was then abandoned,died alone,and became spirit ,again ,because of human ,she felt love and warmth which she had never felt before.

''natsume sama,can i hold your hand ''? the girl asked in a small voice
i stopped,half turned..
she stood very still,with her hands hanging down her sides,
hair like faded brown dangling down her neck,
and held out my hand ,her face changed,a faint smile curled on her lips
she ran over and took my hand very lightly,
as if afraid of what might be happening in the next moment
it's mid summer
sun climbed the sky
swirls of dry wind sent the trees in the woods shudder
grass clashing into each other,bent over and deep in whisper
and tatters of leaves on the ground flutter,
the silence was palpable
we were walking down the path ,hand in hand
feeling like we had all the time in the world
and the worries were far behind,there's no rushing,
''your hand is cool''
''erm.''you laughed a little
i was dumbstruck,actually i wanted to say it's cool in a comforting way..very soothing in fact
it's going to rain tonight''you said ,with a look at the sky above ,a covey of birds burst from nests in the trees and flew away into the darkening slash of horizon
when rustle of wingbeat passed
the air was still again
it rained on that night

we found the guy eventually
it's sunset
across the western sky,i saw splashes of plum and rust
the angle of sun was low on water
the fading light of dusk slanting off the surface ,
gleaming flecks of light moving along with the silent water
clouds bunching into thick gouts,rolling along motionlessly
we raced up the street ,down the sidewalk
lone streetlight emitting cold light from above
''he's here ,the scent is getting thicker '',you exclaimed, wheezing from the running,sweats beading from your forehead
when you saw him from behind ,your lips parted in quick breath
you could no longer hold back the feeling of wanting to be close to him anymore
you ran past me towards him,full with gratitude and respect
footfall echoed hollowly across the concrete
swish of dress as wind picked up and tore against it
the cuffs swung low as you moved
you stopped beside him ,smiled gesturing something with both your hands
face lit brightly with excitement and hopes
as he continued to walk down the road,never at once glanced into your direction
you stepped aside and let him pass
then you reached out ,wanted to touch..
but you didn't..
in his eyes,your reflection was missing
the outline of your body and head had merged into the colour of the sunset
there's not even a shadow on the ground could prove to him of your existence
but then i knew,
you were everywhere around him,in the air ,up in the sky ,in the fading dusk
he had seen through you as if you weren't there..
at last ,you waved him goodbye and stood watching until his back disappeared from your sight
the most saddening thing was that you were right in front of him ,but he didn't know and couldn't never have known.

you said you were happy just to see him and your wish was completed ,you thanked me and were about to leave ,but i made you stay ..cause i knew you still missed him and i wished i could do something for you

it's blue afternoon
you were sitting high up on the tree branch
with your eyes closed and hands folded in your laps
soft streams of yellow light filtered through the leaves,
which stirred in the slight breeze
beams of light flecked your dress
crossed the space between your fingers
birds chirped in the distance
you caught sight of the guy
you leaped to your feet
threw up your hands ,waving
shouting his name,and a goodbye

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