dog's point of view

10 promises with your pets
1.before you bring me home,please remember that my life lasts only from 10 to 15 years,it'll be the biggest pain in my life if you abandon me
2.please be patient towards me and try to understand my feelings me as it's very important for me
4.please don't be mad with me for a long time when i have done something bad ,or keep me in cage as have your entertainment,work,friends and family ,but for me ,i only have you.
5.please talk to me constantly ,though i cant understand the words ,but i can feel the comfort in your voice
6.the way you treat me, I'll always remember in my heart
7.when you hit me,pls do remember that i have the sharp canine teeth that can crush your bone ,but i choose not to do that .
8when you scold me for being lazy,not cooperative or stubborn ,pls try to understand whether something is bothering me : maybe i didn't get the food i want,haven't been running under the warmth of sun for a long time ,or probably because i m too old and weak
9 take care of me when i get older
10.when i need to pass through the most difficult times of life as the illness takes its toll on my health ,pls never say :i cant bear to look at it suffering or i don't want to be at the scene.'' because as long as you are here with me everything will be alright and acceptable even the agonizing pains .and at last ,pls never forget that, I LOVE YOU

when i was small ,and you'd just brought me home,i got lonely and a little intimidated when everyone had gone to bed,the night was cold with pale yellow lights from the porch flooding in through the floor-to-ceiling window ,i tilted my head sideways to observe with immense curiosity as the sparkling dust let go of holding on to the curtain which was half drawn ,dancing gleefully in the light for their freedom ,then my attention was distracted ,i heard buzzing,and the sounds made by small pairs of wings fluttering,i leaned forwards, peered out through the window and saw dozens or more little insects shuttling back and forth between the lamps, they jabbered to each other,approached shyly ,dashed for ,clung to and then flied off in an indecisive way ,hovering greedily over their ''goddess of illumination '' in an endlessly repetitive cycle.some of them fell on to the ground,i barked at them trying to say HI ,they turned to look at me incredulously with their tiny ,beady green eyes ,and said : off you go ,you little monster! and laughed hysterically at my awkwardness, daunted ,i staggered few steps backwards ,let out a whine , which echoed in the empty and vast room,disoriented with the unfamiliar surroundings ,i found my self running up the stairs and came up to the door of your room ,whined and scratched at the door which after some moments creaked quietly and opened to a small crack ,a patch of light cut across the floor in an obviously dark room , someone peeped through it and i lifted up my head just to see you yawning ,drawing few strands of hair back to your ear ,instantly ,i nudged at the door for your approval to enter ,you smiled a little before scooped me up from where i had bed . the night was cold and strange but not here with you ,i wagged my tail and snugged under a fold of warm duvet with a contented sigh .we spent nights together ,i would listen to your confidences and secret dreams ,and i remembered the excitement shines in your eyes vividly ,when you feeling down ,I'd come up and nuzzle your hand with my nose,comforted you through heartbreaks and disappointments,and you'd return a few kisses on my nose,i couldn't talk but i understood your mood , you smelled like the morning sun glowing when you were happy ,and of stormy nights when you felt angry over something ,your sadness and tears flowed like the rains in the gloomy afternoons .we went for long walks and runs in the parks ,and i loped alongside you,huffing and puffing with my tongue dangling over the side of my mouth ,we stopped for ice-creams sometimes,i only got the cones because you said ice-cream was bad for dogs.i took long naps in the afternoon waiting you to come home from school,spotting you walking up to the gate ,i leaped off my bed and sprinted towards you,wagging my tail in anticipation,ended up rolling over for you to give me a belly rub.we watched the sky as the sun dipping down west ,there's an air of silence ,despite for my occasional barks for the birds gliding past and landing down on the electricity line overhead,the sky was tinged with flaming orange and light soft like butter spread on the bread,it's like the dye poured into clear water,slowly deepened from its original colour ,i remember the light reflected off your hair glinted like gold,at that moment i wanted to look into your eyes and told you that i believed nothing could be more perfect than that in my life.and i wanted time to freeze ,sand in the sand glass to stop time in this world was short ,but i wanted to gave it all to you until the last breath left me.

when i was small ,i like to chewed on things and your shoes were my favourite toys of all irritated you when i did that ,i lowered down my head ,tried to elude your dark probing eyes when you found what i had done ,a little twinge of guilt knotted my stomach tight,but the pleasure or even obsession for chewing was overwhelmingly irresistible,you scolded me a little with a stern voice before storming off in rage .frightened and in pain,i curled up around your shoes and laid there for hours ,trying to hide the ''evidence '' that made you mad.i am sorry i didn't mean to do that,we,dogs ,don't really remember things happened 5 Min's ago ,hence despite a number of chewed shoes ,a few thrashed pillows ,and the hot glares after that,i rushed to your side when you were around and always tried to entertain you with my weird, funny antics.the next day ,you bought me a chewy ,bone-like toy ,when you fished it out from your pocket and held it between your fingers high up in the sky ,i jumped and jumped at you to reach for that,you doubled over and passed it from hand to hand trying to deceive me of its disappearance,at last you handed it over to me ,i grasped it in my mouth ,tossed my head from side to side as i chewed and tore at it,chased my tail around.that afternoon was fun and full of laughter.

you had gone for days ,the last time i 'd seen you ,you wore a black and white checked t shirt with the hood drawn up over your head ,you'd patted me on head before got into the car and waved me goodbye .the gesture of your leaving made me frenzy,i cased after you but only to be stopped by the long bars of the front gate ,i whimpered softly as i saw the car driving off the driveway.sunlight hoped playfully between the cold and metallic bars ,blinding me ,i squinted my eyes tried to focus on the car in which you were in ,but just in time to see it sped around the corner and vanished in view.i spent my afternoon alone watching the fish whirling,reeling and swaying in the pond and someone with round black eyes ,brown flurry body looked back at me with clear desperation ,i wonder who was that guy ? these few days i enjoyed digging the dirt out of the pots,trampling and murdering a few garden plants,my fur was matted with dirt and soil.then it started to drizzle before it turned to heavy downpour ,dripping water filled my drinking bowl ,spilled and sloshed around ,i got a splash of water on face .it got misty with the icy wind lashed at my fur ,tasted like a combination of dust and moist lumps of soil .i circled around feeling upsetting,finally crouched down beside the bone you gave to me and fell asleep .

present time
now i'.m a full grown dog ,no longer your baby,There was a time, when others asked you if you had a dog, that you produced a photo of me from your wallet and told them stories about me. These past few years, you just answered "yes" and changed the subject. I have gone from being "your dog" to "just a dog".you are terribly busy with your studies ,whenever i bark at the door for you to notice that i long for a walk with you , you simply walk away to bury yourself in your tightly arranged schedule ,i was once part of your life,but now left forgotten and unattended as you moving on to your new stage of life,however, i still remain unmoved at the place where we were once together,wait for you as you are still everything i have and need .i watch you from a distance as you chat happily with your new friends,sharing with them your dreams and stories ,but none of them ever included me,I tether at the margin of your life, following you around at your heels ,hoping you'll one day turn around and spot me just as i spotted you from the distance as you came home.


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