The Old Hag ?spiritual possession?

one day ,u may wake up and find yourself unable to move or twitch your fingers,a perceived heavy and invisible weight acted upon your chest,burrow deeper as it tries to reach inside,as you instinctly feel an acute sense of danger and trying to struggle off the feeling,things get worse,some people might be seeing dream-like objects or hallucinatory elements appear in the room,all these may sound familiar for those who have experienced it before ,personally i have felt it for countless times ,always wake up in the middle of nite feeling indescribably frightened and horrified by the vivid sensation of the experience .

the recent one happened 3 or 4 weeks ago,i was taking nap in the afternoon,drifting to sleep after a while and when i woke up later,i found my body was in paralysed state,then i thought to myself that i had to stay calm ,then i saw a black figure walking across the room to my bed side ,it's watching me at first before it climbed up and stood on the bed,i could feel the mattress sagged under its weight,it knelt down at my side ,then i felt a huge massive strenght strangled and choking me,it's irresistible and ,i was going to scold but then felt a little bit indiscreet and might evoke its anger ,swt {{{(>_<)}},and for a split of second i felt that i was out of my body ,floating and spinning against gravity, ╮(-_-)╭ it's like moon walking ,the feeling slowly wore off and i regained control ,but it left me with lingering dread and anxiety ,i not dare to sleep back after that ,the nest day ,after i have got advice and suggestion from my best fren (*^_^*) I went to search some info about sleep paralysis .

sleep paralysis is characteristed by a period of involuntary control of the body movement ,people experienced it describe that they were not able to talk or cry out which may last for a few minutes or longer ,feeling pressure crushing on their chests ,or some may even see a 'presence' which is always illustrated as evil and threatening,scientists link all these to rapid eye movement atonia .sleeping can be divided into 5 stages ,which is stage 1 ,2,3,4,and rapid eye movement sleep ,the cycle progresses from light to deep,and each stage has different brain activity,when you are sleeping ,you go through stage 1 to the rapid eye movement stage ( REM SLEEP) ,and then the cycle start again ,each cycle lasts for 90 to 110 minutes,and the first cycle has shorter REM stage ,towrads the morning the REM stage becomes longer and you will tend to wake up ,REM stage is when the dreaming occurs and is named so because of the rapid movement and twitching of eyes ,possibly because the dreamer 'looking' at the moving objects in his /her dream.the body in this stage is immoblie ,this is to prevent people from acting out of his/her dream ,which may hurt other people or themselves ,neurotransmitters such as monoamines is completely shut down in this stage ,hence motor neurons are not stimulated ,and thus body muscles do not move ,this causes the REM atonia mentioned earlier .so why REM atonia is linked to sleep paralysis ? when your brain has gained consciousness but some parts of the brain that control the movement havent been fully activated yet ,this is when sleep paralysis happens,the panic and mortal fear resulted from that may causes your brain to generate and release auditory and visual stimuli ,hence produces hallucinations ,(O_O)

Hag of the old hag was a nightmare spirit in british and north american folklore.accoding to the folklore ,the hag sat on the chest of the sleeper and sent nightmare to him or her ,rendering them immobile,the feelig of anxiety and imminent threat make people tend to believe that it's actually the work of demonic possessions.

I Just started off writting this blog by posting this ,hope it may be helpful for those who have ever been troubled with this strange phenomenon ,be happy always and try to maintain a good mood is a best way to curb the situation ,try not to stay up late always as yr body will try to replenish or compensate the sleep for a longer REM stage,and when it does occur,stay calm and dont panic as your brain will tend to play things on you ::>_<:: what you saw wasnt real ,it's just photographic image projected into reality,in the end i want to say yeah ★,:*:‧\( ̄▽ ̄)/‧:*‧°★*
see you soon ㄟ( ̄▽ ̄ㄟ)


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