For as long as he can remember, Takashi has been cursed by the ability to see spirits, a power inherited from his grandmother Reiko. Upon her death, Reiko bequeaths to her grandson her Yujiicho, a book containing the names of spirits Reiko had bullied into servitude. The Book is a highly prized item in the spirit world,with which in hand,one could summon any spirits from inside by calling the names,and the contract on which written the spirit name,is another form of representing its life ,which means if the paper is burnt or damaged the spirit will vanish.Spirits come to him often mistaken him as Reiko, however, Takashi spends his time giving back the contracts and releasing the various spirits that come to him for help. But that doesn't mean there aren't malicious spirits trying to kill him.,hence, Madara(or rather nyanko -sensei called by takashi)serves as his bodyguard and spiritual first he's motivated by only the thought of possessing the book,but later,he becomes more attached to natsume.

haha,ahh~~so cute! feel like laughing when see its cute fat looks,omg,he's fat until it''ll cause a small earthquake whenever he walks past,swt,and damn lazy in exercising,which in many occasions natsume keeps teasing him of,his big dream is to catch a few more birdies and tied them to a rope wound around his waist so that he could be fly strolling,which i think will never be realised until he lost few more pounds first,lol,wish to have this cat,looks cuddly,but he doesnt seem like a hugging person(or should i say cat?) ,eyes are on the watermelon,glinting,he loves eating ,and can stuff in many ,practically swam in the bag of potato chips ,literally i mean,always describes himself as dignified and elegant ,angry if people say he's merely a cat,haha,although he will never ever admit,but he loves it when people scratch the back of its ear of neck ,lol,another unmistakable act from a cat.

the curvature of the face bore 99% resemblance to the watermelon slice xDDDfit around just nicely

lol,natusme you look so tired,what you did last night?XDDDDDDD ,sleepy looks with bleary eyes

this time the main character is not in the super gorgeous category as most anime guys are,just a normal guy,i think they emphasize on the word ''normal' ,and the beauty of it is that sometimes normal does make people feel more like getting closer to,feel no distance in between,easier to relate to in reality.and it's really true,at first i was not really used to see his face,maybe still couldn't get rid of ciel's shadow,swt..but slowly found that he's 越看越帅,超耐看型 @@ swt,especially love his eyes,light hazel ,so soft and amiable they turn when he smiles ,or how they are closed when he use the spell,with lashes draped on his cheeks,a little aloof and sad,everything about him reminds me of that warm summer,of the flurry of leaves on wind,lush of green beams under the cerulean sky,the sound of rushing water against the rough,jagged stones ,the hollow echoes from under the bridge,bars of light push past the small crack in the curtain and glitters off the tawny coloured hair which has fallen loosely on face,a boy dozing off at the back of the class,soulful and warm when he expresses his gentleness and care towards the others,and he's really gentle to others,but he rarely shows it out,he treats spirits the same,respect their feelings,regards them as friends although some tried to harm him.haha,and the way he calls the cat ''肥猫''really is cute,then the cat will call back at him '' 豆芽菜'' hahaha,(i thnk he's quite fit,but dont know why they call him as such),and he's stil got many nicknames.maybe because of the reason that they take each other as family,no matter how bad they tease each other of,out of anger ,or just for the fun of it,they will forgive each other in the end,and no matter how many times the nyanko-sensei has wished natsume to die,so that he could have the book ,but still at crucial times,he will back him up and save him out of danger for sure.haha
his voice really is gentle ,slow and soothing ,in a way that makes people drunk,feel like can keep on listening to him till i fall asleep...

two lonely hearts cling to each other ,in the end , loneliness remains intact -ep1

love and being loved-ep2

a small consolation given will be remebered for the whole life-ep3

actually i dont want to be hiding here ,just that i couldnt get to anywhere -ep4

best friends will quarrel sometimes,but they wont hold grugde against each other-ep5

thanks for the warmth shared-ep6

little fox,you are so in bliss-ep7

memories do tell lies,but it doesnt matter much if you are happy living with it-ep8
someday, i might not be be able to see spirits anymore,and lost the unilateral contact with the invisible world ,as well as those annoying days,this is an escape for me..or...
memories we share wont fade with time

even though we may share similar experiences,but sometimes i feel like not able to understand the way you think-ep9

i'm one of degraded status ,can only love you without letting you know that-ep10

erm,feelings grown as days pass?ep11

i try all my best to protect what you have given to me,in order not to make you feel worried ,i will get stronger-ep12



我说夏目你家的冰箱未免也太多冰淇淋了吧>//< 那么冷的冬天还吃雪糕哦? 好想吃>//< 这里热死了


omg!!!!THAT SMILE! does it look like someone?
ciel you are back ~~~>< swt,sounds like some desperate girls
before that,i felt that the guy was just being too unreasonable,too kind,he's weak yet he tries to protect those people around him,he's wounded yet he is smiling to cover up the pain so that those he loves will not be worried,so that those he loves will continue to smile until the end without knowing the truth that he's been bearing with,because of his kindness,he's used and fooled and for many times his life has been threatened,and because of the persistent presence of monsters ,he was once called liar and freak when he tried to tell about his secret,no one ever believed him,then he learnt to keep it to himself ,supposedly he should be hating monsters ,yet he has saved many. maybe from that time he's decided to return those names to the original monsters,he's tried to reach out,has been changing his views of the world ,tired of running away and being alone all the times,it feels good to see him changing,revealing parts of him bits by bits,and start to believe that there's kindness and understanding from people around him,the little boy who is not good at socializing clumsily expresses the gentleness and caring for others,love to see him trying,his seriousness and devotion in everything

sometimes ,those loneliness we feel are caused by us,there are people who love and care for us,but if we are unable to trust or open up our hearts to them,they wouldn't have known if we needed them,we have always wanted someone who will understand the meaning of our words without much talking ,wanted one who will be by our sides all the times without wanting us to give out,it's all but fantasy, love is established on mutual understanding,if they continue to give out without having something back for them ,maybe someday they will get tired of waiting and leave,we want people to understand us but it wont be going anyway farther than what we have wished, if we remain oblivious of their feelings.maybe in some incidents ,you will find that you are actually being loved by many people ,before that you never knew ,don't be surprised ,they have always been there for us ,just that we never tried to pay attention to what they did to us,
just that we have always put an ice cube in between ,freeze those hearts that have tried to get near ,and added a layer of insecurity,sometimes you can put down the shield and hold out your hand,i believe no one is forever trapped in the darkness,lean out and let the warmth of sun fall upon your fingertips,just like those monsters ,even though having great power ,they will still feel alone,even though hated humans ,or think that humans are too vulnerable,but still looking forward to the subtle feeling felt for them.

to those people who have loved and cared for me,i just wanted to say thanks for you guys ,for everything that you have done ,i might have overlooked it or being unware of ,still you guys have been helping me along ,when i'm sad ,alone or feeling lost ,have been giving me a lot of support and advice,i'm appreciative of it ,
i love you guys ..

swallow at the lake bottom

swallow,a young bird which had once been saved by human,it had dropped out of nest ,a guy picked it up and placed it back in the nest,but the parents hated the lingering scent of human on her ,they abandoned the nest ,every one of her siblings died as a result,alone and abandoned,she became a spirit.spent her life hiding under the bushes,another guy spotted her ,and everyday he came ,with a plate of food, he'd set it down on the gravel path in front of her. she felt grateful,the guy reminded her of the human who had saved her.because of human,she was saved ,was then abandoned,died alone,and became spirit ,again ,because of human ,she felt love and warmth which she had never felt before.

''natsume sama,can i hold your hand ''? the girl asked in a small voice
i stopped,half turned..
she stood very still,with her hands hanging down her sides,
hair like faded brown dangling down her neck,
and held out my hand ,her face changed,a faint smile curled on her lips
she ran over and took my hand very lightly,
as if afraid of what might be happening in the next moment
it's mid summer
sun climbed the sky
swirls of dry wind sent the trees in the woods shudder
grass clashing into each other,bent over and deep in whisper
and tatters of leaves on the ground flutter,
the silence was palpable
we were walking down the path ,hand in hand
feeling like we had all the time in the world
and the worries were far behind,there's no rushing,
''your hand is cool''
''erm.''you laughed a little
i was dumbstruck,actually i wanted to say it's cool in a comforting way..very soothing in fact
it's going to rain tonight''you said ,with a look at the sky above ,a covey of birds burst from nests in the trees and flew away into the darkening slash of horizon
when rustle of wingbeat passed
the air was still again
it rained on that night

we found the guy eventually
it's sunset
across the western sky,i saw splashes of plum and rust
the angle of sun was low on water
the fading light of dusk slanting off the surface ,
gleaming flecks of light moving along with the silent water
clouds bunching into thick gouts,rolling along motionlessly
we raced up the street ,down the sidewalk
lone streetlight emitting cold light from above
''he's here ,the scent is getting thicker '',you exclaimed, wheezing from the running,sweats beading from your forehead
when you saw him from behind ,your lips parted in quick breath
you could no longer hold back the feeling of wanting to be close to him anymore
you ran past me towards him,full with gratitude and respect
footfall echoed hollowly across the concrete
swish of dress as wind picked up and tore against it
the cuffs swung low as you moved
you stopped beside him ,smiled gesturing something with both your hands
face lit brightly with excitement and hopes
as he continued to walk down the road,never at once glanced into your direction
you stepped aside and let him pass
then you reached out ,wanted to touch..
but you didn't..
in his eyes,your reflection was missing
the outline of your body and head had merged into the colour of the sunset
there's not even a shadow on the ground could prove to him of your existence
but then i knew,
you were everywhere around him,in the air ,up in the sky ,in the fading dusk
he had seen through you as if you weren't there..
at last ,you waved him goodbye and stood watching until his back disappeared from your sight
the most saddening thing was that you were right in front of him ,but he didn't know and couldn't never have known.

you said you were happy just to see him and your wish was completed ,you thanked me and were about to leave ,but i made you stay ..cause i knew you still missed him and i wished i could do something for you

it's blue afternoon
you were sitting high up on the tree branch
with your eyes closed and hands folded in your laps
soft streams of yellow light filtered through the leaves,
which stirred in the slight breeze
beams of light flecked your dress
crossed the space between your fingers
birds chirped in the distance
you caught sight of the guy
you leaped to your feet
threw up your hands ,waving
shouting his name,and a goodbye



i remember the first time i watched this anime ,i was pretty drawn to Ciel,because of his remoteness and intricately characteristics.though i knew that Sebastian was also one of the important characters ,that the series would be incomplete without him .now when think back ,i found that i actually do miss parts of him.sounds silly ,swt.Sebastian ,everything about him is so perfect ,i guess i know why those girls are so crazy over him.

i like him not because that he's good-looking , or perfect in everything ( perfection do make people feel a bit unapproachable),not because of his gentleness or sensibility,or because i like something that is devilish
i like him because of his smile

he's one of the few characters in this anime that do constantly keeping a smiling face,but of the others ,i don't like Liu's smile ,because it seems to me hypocritical and obsequious .i distaste Grell's exaggerated ,sickening smile ,when his red-lipsticked lips stretched wide ,it seems to be perturbing,and after all he only smiles to those handsome.Aloise's smile seems sad and self-mocking,it's of the disappointment and despair to the world ,sometimes it seems tauntingly and callous.and i hope so much that Ciel do smile sometimes,it's so hard to see that

he smiles faintly when Ciel criticises his prepared food
he smiles reassuringly when he's wounded in the battles,but still trying to pick Ciel up in his arms
he smiles warmly when he introduces the dishes for dinner
he smiles grimly when he fights
he smiles ironically when teases Ciel of being contradictory
he smiles knowingly when Ciel hints on something
he smiles politely when received praises from the others
he smiles sweetly when teaching Ciel waltz
he smiles shaking his head when his master insists on eating dessert before dinner
he smiles with relief when the problem is solved
he smiles,in love when being with cats
he smiles playfully when Ciel is embarrassed
he smiles when saying yes,my lord
if it wasn't for that month ,would you smile warmly again ,like you truly mean it? if it had not been for the night three years ago,would you be the same child as you were now?the child who was once shy,timid is long gone,the life of a child who believed in love and faith ceased on that night, in the burning red flame,all reduced to ashes ,smothered,blown away by winds,the truth locked away,the remains hardened,fortress built up high and silently behind those piercing blue eyes,in them i see a ferment of emotions,apathy yet angry,longing yet afraid ,denial and confusion all mix,light years,still and distant cover not the sorrowful face,arrogance and pride is the colour of camouflage,it wraps you up so that it's never noticed,your pain or vulnerability ,even when it's reached the point of breakage,you will never back down or cringe from it,you said weeping is only for the weak,you know that even if you were to break down and cry,there aren't anyone beside you to comfort you of your sadness,so what is the point of crying?and there are things that can never be retrieved ,there's despair that will never be erased by time,so you decide to move on instead of dabbing in the rotten past .however ,underneath those layers of shield,lay a pure soul of its loneliness and desperate isolation ,desperate for something to hold on to,desperate for love and able to feel loved again.

if tears are the evidence of pain
then i shall not let you see it
i shall hide it in the rain
and let myself be the only one
who can hear the crying sound of those silent grief
summer wind rips the leaves from the branch before their lives
trampled and withered
freezing into dirty slush in the harsh winter
rises scarred but strong
carry the burden on the back
unspeakably heavy,
sagged down on my shoulders
wanting it to be lifted off so much
but now it's too late to step back or look behind
trudge forward through the yards of blank white snow
heaped up high around my knees
sometimes falling down
and standing back up again
over the hill
there is a faint line of light
brush of pale pink and lime green
dawn is coming
what is beautiful is fleeting
and i must get to there

if love never lasts
then i shall keep my distance
keep my heart shuttered
so that you will never see the marks to show that i have ever cared
secretly hide away the vulnerability
if this is the real you laying naked in the depths of my eyes
the thoughts of you is crying
drown in the silence of blue night
and let the loneliness hold me secure
sing me to sleep
and carry me through the nights
austere moonlight streams in through the window
a sheen of wintry lustre
inside of the room,
in the lingering soft glow
fire crackling in the fireplace,
raspes and throws sparks into darkness
turn onto my side
the air stirs and i close my eyes
lay wrapped in dreams
the dream of three
dream the contented dream
dream sleep wrapping my arms around you
and wake up to find ..what?
is it because i have got too accustomed to it
that i feel no more restricted
that i forgot the feeling of ever been alone
if my voice could reach back through the past
i''ll whisper in your ear :how i wish you were here.
late night and early light
summer comes and gone
no longer the same person
i forgot the last time i'd cried
i forgot the taste of the white flakiness on my lips
on the night of being so alone and afraid
without you by my side

borned in 14/12/1875,the name CIEL has the meaning of '' sky blue'' in french,undoubtedly,Ciel is different from any other 12 years old children ,sophisticated and cynical,regarding the distrustful human nature contemptuously,this young face shows the stoniness and determination,once he had all the things in his grasp,parents who loved him more than anything,a brief but happy childhood,i wonder if it hadn't been that fire ,if he had not been taken away and abused,Ciel would have been living a better life ,he would not have Sebastian beside him ,he wouldn't have made the deal which demanding his soul,he would have married Elizabeth,even though sooner or later he would die ,but it'd mean dying in the memories of those who loved him.again ,no matter how cold he looks,he is still a child ,loves playing games, making fun of his butler ,loves to see the funny face of his incredible butler when he fails to complete an order from hurt to see him faking a smile ,a lie to conceal his motive ,a never-accomplished promise ,to an innocent girl who waves smiling back at him,when she's out of sight,raised hand drops down to his side ,eyes hardened taking a frosty glint ,smile fading at his lips,again ,he's cold and cruel when it comes to completing mission on the orders from the queen ,he will try any means to get what he wants,he wont tolerate failure hence will not hesitate in making move,kicking off those who stay in his way ,to ensure he is able to climb to a higher place,even if it means stepping on other dead bodies ,letting the tears of other flow ,or sacrificing other lives ..

but who have caused the transition of a young innocent boy,the society ..this is a world full of lies ,pretentiousness ,and hyprocrites,either be the deprived or the depriver ,ciel see everyone as wanting something from him when they devote to serve him,he believes in no one except himself,the relationships built up based on profits and status ,once common interest is removed disloyalty and betrayal will be surfacing.the oppresion of poor ,noble fight for power,


Sebastian and Ciel

The series takes place in England during the reign of Queen Victoria. It follows Sebastian Michaelis, a demonic butler obliged to serve twelve-year-old Earl Ciel Phantomhive due to a contract he made with Ciel binding Sebastian to the child's will. Although Sebastian is able to carry out his tasks with ease and perfection, his co-workers, Baldroy, Finnian, and Mey-Rin, are not as competent, resulting in Sebastian having to complete their tasks as well. Sebastian also assists Ciel in solving the problems plaguing England.


Sebastian Michaelis is the butler of the Phantomhive household and Ciel 's bodyguard.pale slender fingers with nails painted in black revealed everytime he takes off the white gloves that worn over his hands,sleek black hair ,eyes that glow red in the dark or when he's granted an order from Ciel.dressed in black tailcoat ,lean and impeccable,he often describes himself with the phrase'' watashi wa akuma de shitsuji desukara'',a play on the word ''akuma(devil) ,so that it either translates to ''I'm just a butler'' or'' i serves as a butler and also a demon'',he's a cat person , who will call a cat as a real beauty,down to his knees ,dazed,eyes shown with admiration and love when he sees one ,but who never at once casted a side glance to a real woman who's trying to seduce him,=.=''he has unquestionably perfect knowledge ,manners ,talent with material,martial arts ,he shows his loyalty to Ciel ,serves beside him and for countless times save him from dangers,partly due to the deal they have made ,which results in a mark etched on the skin of his left hand ,binds him to the will.and demon never lies.i have just take a quick glimpse of his true form ,not very clear though ,high-heeled boots ,elongated nails and his body is surrounded by dark mist,yet it's enough detailed to make the angel cringes with disgust ,face twisted in disdain ,as if he's seen something truly filthy

Ciel Phantomhive
Ciel Phantomhive Pictures, Images and Photos

is the business-savvy ,12 -year- old head of the English Phantomhive noble family, a blue ring wore on one of his fingers,which is of the same colour of his eyes -sapphire and it's the heirloom that has been passed down from his ancestors,reminding him the curse laid upon Phantomhive family.he runs a company selling children toys and sweets.his parents were killed in a fire ,their house burnt down , he lost everything in just one night,and was carried away to be humiliated and abused , there's a red mark burnt into the side of his waist ,which is something he doesn't like for others to see,reminding him the pain he has gone through ,he ever said that he came back for himself ,even though he did take down revenge ,the dead would never be brought back to life, but he wants those people who have shamed him to taste the same pain,rather than dabbed his feet in the rotten past ,he moves on ,never regretting each move he has taken,it's suggested that he looks at Sebastian as a pawn ,in the chess game,who can move to anywhere with just single move ,he said the rules only exist in a chess game ,in the real world ,they are meaningless,in a game there''ll be the showing up of betraying chess piece ,or the rule-breaking pawn ,if you were to be careless,your king'd be taken down,in the end ,even though Sebastian is still bound to the will ,waiting for his master to take the next move .he wears black eye patch to cover the purple pentagonal symbol,which bears a contract with his demon.although he's portrayed as emotionless ,it's shown that he does that to avoid feeling hurt or lose something important to him again.

Kuroshitsuji....Sebastian y Ciel

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