
Sebastian and Ciel

The series takes place in England during the reign of Queen Victoria. It follows Sebastian Michaelis, a demonic butler obliged to serve twelve-year-old Earl Ciel Phantomhive due to a contract he made with Ciel binding Sebastian to the child's will. Although Sebastian is able to carry out his tasks with ease and perfection, his co-workers, Baldroy, Finnian, and Mey-Rin, are not as competent, resulting in Sebastian having to complete their tasks as well. Sebastian also assists Ciel in solving the problems plaguing England.


Sebastian Michaelis is the butler of the Phantomhive household and Ciel 's bodyguard.pale slender fingers with nails painted in black revealed everytime he takes off the white gloves that worn over his hands,sleek black hair ,eyes that glow red in the dark or when he's granted an order from Ciel.dressed in black tailcoat ,lean and impeccable,he often describes himself with the phrase'' watashi wa akuma de shitsuji desukara'',a play on the word ''akuma(devil) ,so that it either translates to ''I'm just a butler'' or'' i serves as a butler and also a demon'',he's a cat person , who will call a cat as a real beauty,down to his knees ,dazed,eyes shown with admiration and love when he sees one ,but who never at once casted a side glance to a real woman who's trying to seduce him,=.=''he has unquestionably perfect knowledge ,manners ,talent with material,martial arts ,he shows his loyalty to Ciel ,serves beside him and for countless times save him from dangers,partly due to the deal they have made ,which results in a mark etched on the skin of his left hand ,binds him to the will.and demon never lies.i have just take a quick glimpse of his true form ,not very clear though ,high-heeled boots ,elongated nails and his body is surrounded by dark mist,yet it's enough detailed to make the angel cringes with disgust ,face twisted in disdain ,as if he's seen something truly filthy

Ciel Phantomhive
Ciel Phantomhive Pictures, Images and Photos

is the business-savvy ,12 -year- old head of the English Phantomhive noble family, a blue ring wore on one of his fingers,which is of the same colour of his eyes -sapphire and it's the heirloom that has been passed down from his ancestors,reminding him the curse laid upon Phantomhive family.he runs a company selling children toys and sweets.his parents were killed in a fire ,their house burnt down , he lost everything in just one night,and was carried away to be humiliated and abused , there's a red mark burnt into the side of his waist ,which is something he doesn't like for others to see,reminding him the pain he has gone through ,he ever said that he came back for himself ,even though he did take down revenge ,the dead would never be brought back to life, but he wants those people who have shamed him to taste the same pain,rather than dabbed his feet in the rotten past ,he moves on ,never regretting each move he has taken,it's suggested that he looks at Sebastian as a pawn ,in the chess game,who can move to anywhere with just single move ,he said the rules only exist in a chess game ,in the real world ,they are meaningless,in a game there''ll be the showing up of betraying chess piece ,or the rule-breaking pawn ,if you were to be careless,your king'd be taken down,in the end ,even though Sebastian is still bound to the will ,waiting for his master to take the next move .he wears black eye patch to cover the purple pentagonal symbol,which bears a contract with his demon.although he's portrayed as emotionless ,it's shown that he does that to avoid feeling hurt or lose something important to him again.

Kuroshitsuji....Sebastian y Ciel


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